All works Copyright of Rohan Vidyarthi 2011-3016



It makes me sad to see,
Humanities abandonment
to slavery
trapped in a cycle to provide
everything you do not need
and walk away from discovery,
for convenience bleeds 
through the open wounds of your hypocrisy.
Its the meat u eat
of the same dogs we greet.
Lets share the same eyes
and planted feet
of our finite world.
Forgetting her sounds,
only the beeps.
Staying alert and aware,
of invisible messages travelling through the air.
To shine a light in your face
and forgive the dark
for taking its space,
as you breath in disgrace
these scents of our waste.
Continue the cycle,
until you fall flat on ur face.
But its ok you will forget
about me,
forget to be like the tree
and embrace the darkness you cannot see
and cannot agree,
to your death that is coming,
to set you free.


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