All works Copyright of Rohan Vidyarthi 2011-3016

Midnight Tea Party

A splendid tea party under a damp, drizzly midnight sky. Shot at a friends quaint little farmhouse in the sleepy village of Sanjan. Lush and green during the day,  a certain eeriness begins to settle into the space once the sun has set. Many stories of strange night time phenomena have been heard from visitors to the house and even the local caretaker speaks of “the ones that live in the trees”. I’ve had my own share of unexplainable experiences at this place…stranger than your average country home sounds at night, dogs barking at nothing, presences felt while lying in bed…. not to mention the weirder than usual dreams. Creepiness aside its still a beautiful and magical place we all love to retreat to and besides, its nice to have a little paranormal activity to remind us there lies an unseen world laid right over ours….

Concept and styling by Rachel Varghese

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